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Diverse Knowledge



Independent real estate appraisers and advisors providing consistent, diligent and reliable valuation solutions. We provide professional valuation services to all regions of Canada. 


VerraGroup professionals include highly experienced valuators who are known for their thought leadership and ability to provide solutions to the most complex real estate problems.




Agricultural Appraisals

Our core business is provision of independent and unbiased appraisal reports on all types of real estate including general commercial, industrial, multi-residential, institutional, and special purpose properties. Valuations functions include mortgage financing, purchase and sale, estate settlement, asset management, dispute resolution, among others.


Industrial properties are the economic engine of a community, and we have solid experience appraising light and heavy industrial facilities, manufacturing, and warehouse properties.  


Designated real estate appraisers are recognized by many courts as experts in matters related to real estate valuation. As such, we are often called on to undertake specialized analysis related to expropriation or other government or legislative related purposes. 



Cost services include estimating the reproduction or replacement cost of built and site improvements for insurance purposes, as well as provision of cost and progress inspection reports associated with mortgage financing. 



An independent and unbiased critical assessment and reasoned opinion as to the acceptability and quality of another appraiser’s work product in the context of part or all of the appraiser’s Scope of Work.  Reviews can range from a basic compliance review to a full, technical review, which is undertaken in accordance with Canadian Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (CUSPAP) and includes a review of the reports compliance with the appropriate standard, as well as an opinion of the suitability of the market data employed and the veracity of the conclusions. Further, a technical review will assess the highest and best use analysis, appraisal methodologies in the context of the Scope of Work and has a quality control function.  Technical reviews may or may not include a site view.  Often technical reviews are used for quality control, settlement functions or litigation.




We assist our clients in minimizing their property tax burden by appealing inequitable or erroneous property assessments. With substantial expertise in the property tax assessment function, we can identify errors in the application of property assessment policy and procedure, carry through with negotiation, case preparation and presentation at all stages of assessment appeal hearings if necessary, including appearance in court. Proper research and presentation can result often in reductions in tax payable without ever proceeding to the assessment appeal hearing stage.  Outsourcing your firm’s property tax monitoring to our experts will reduce overall expenses and allow your employees to focus on their area of expertise.



We provide general consultancy and advisory related services related to all types of ICI real estate, institutional property types, as well as for all classes of vacant land.


Practice Areas
General Consultancy
Expert Services
Property Tax Appeal
Cost Analysis
Appraisal Reviw

Our designated appraisers have valued thousands of parcels of farmland over the past 30 years.  We have a strong knowledge of soil mapping, are experienced in farm land and building appraisal as well as farm residences for both current and historic valuations. 

Anchor 1

VerraGroup affiliates provide a wide range of residential valuation services that include vacant land, leasehold properties, condominiums, executive/luxury homes, country residential acreages, as well as relocation appraisals. Intended uses range from mortgage financing to pre-listing, foreclosures, estate settlement, matrimonial settlement, litigation, capital gains, and property tax assessment appeal. 



Professionalism & Integrity


Designated professionals are required to provide unbiased and completely objective opinions of value.  

 Learn more about our professional responsibility here.


 The foundation of VerraGroup is our uncompromising conviction-based leadership.  

Our focus is to reach and pivot to a new professional equilibrium in the Canadian Valuation industry

- to ensure that every report has been thoroughly completed with the highest level of professional analysis.  



In-depth Local Knowledge - National Perspective


 We recognize that in-depth local knowledge is essential for provision of accurate and sound valuation analysis and advice, and that such knowledge must be complemented with a broader regional and national perspective.  

To ensure the highest possible level of service to our clientele, Verra Group Valuation is building a national team of highly-motivated professionals having diverse knowledge and experience. 



We Listen Carefully and Strive to Add Value


A valuation report that provides a value, but doesn't go far enough to solve the client's problem or burning need may be useless. We're not in the business of providing you with something you don't need. We  always strive to understand our clients' goals and requirements, and then tailor our services to meet those needs. 

This approach is key to our primary goal of adding value where ever possible.




Glen Power AACI
Glen Power, AACI
Managing Director
St. John's, NL

Tel: 709-763-6346

Email Glen

Michael Fox, AACI
Regina, SK

Tel: 306-545-5200

Email Michael

Thomas Fox AACI
Dan Wilson, AACI (Fellow)
Managing Director
Comox, BC

Tel: 250-338-7323

Email Dan

Mark Dean_edited_edited.jpg
D Doucet Photo.jpg
Mark Dean, AACI 
Melfort, SK
Daniel Doucet, AACI (Fellow) 
Toronto, On
Dena Knopp, CRA, P.App.
Calgary, AB

Tel: 306-752-4331

Email Mark

Tel: 416-435-1953

Email Daniel

Tel: 403-830-6501

Email Dena

Our Team




For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

Call us now for a preliminary discussion: 

St. John's:                   709.763.6346

Toronto:                     416.435.1953

Regina:                       306.545.5200

Melfort:                      306.752.4331

Calgary:                      403.830.6501

Vancouver Island:     250-338-7323


© 2024 Verra Group Valuation Inc.

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